Claremont McKenna College


While many other colleges champion either a traditional liberal arts education with emphasis on intellectual breadth, or training that stresses acquisition of technical skills, Claremont McKenna College offers a clear alternative. Instead of dividing the liberal arts and the working world into separate realms, education at Claremont McKenna is rooted in the interplay between the world of ideas and the world of events. By combining the intellectual breadth of the liberal arts with the more pragmatic concerns of public affairs, CMC helps students to gain the vision, skills, and values necessary for leadership in all sectors of society.

In addition to its dedication to teaching and learning, the College is a center for scholars who are engaged in research that can enlighten a society intent on finding solutions to its economic, political, social, and environmental problems. Ongoing research at CMC is contributing to the body of knowledge in areas such as the effects of government regulations upon the economy, toxic waste, juvenile justice, changes of enzyme systems in humans, and the ecology of desert regions.

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