Network Technician

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Network Technician

  • Course description The 990 clock-hour Network Technician Program offers hands-on training based on the student's aptitude, motivation self-discipline and attitude. Skills are developed in PC hardware configuration, troubleshooting, repairing and upgrades. Operating system software commonly used for computers and networking (Microsoft® and Linux), is explained and practiced.

    Since strong emphasis is placed on basic marketable skill sets, vendor based (CISCO, Intel, 3Com etc.), equipment options are investigated, practiced and evaluated.

    Instructors direct students through complex technical information by means of assigned readings, hands-on practice, descriptive documentation and personal discovery combined with written and oral testing. Developing critical thinking skills is crucial to the student's success in the workplace. Therefore this program is designed to lead the student to the point where they can answer most of their own questions and perform research to resolve problems. Students will be asked to demonstrate their skills through a special 3rd quarter project based on their own proposal to demonstrate expertise in a specific field of their interest.

    Comprehensive CompTIA A+ Certified Service Technician
    exam preparation is included within the curriculum accompanied by simulated tests to significantly enhance the ability to successfully pass the CompTIA A+ Certification exam.

    Learning Outcomes
    By the end of the course of study in the Network Technician Program students should be able to:
    1. Build, configure, install, troubleshoot, maintain and repair the current generation of personal computers and Microsoft operating systems.
    2. Install and maintain wire and wireless networks for small business and home networks.
    3. Perform basic network administrative functions for the support of a modern server with understanding of Domain Name Server (DNS,) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP,) and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP.)
    4. Demonstrate entry-level skills in hardware maintenance of multi-media equipment, including home entertainment and corporate and academic presentation equipment.
    5. Understand the basic economics of consumer and business markets for digital equipment, with ability to competitively select and purchase equipment and software.
    6. Perform work in a "team" environment with an emphasis on completion and quality of work.
    7. Possess the skills necessary to pass the industry standard CompTIA (A+) certification exam.

    Steps To Success
    Network Technician graduates are qualified for entry-level careers in the information technology field (computer technician, LAN manager, computer customer service representative, computer sales representative, computer tech support specialist, computer operator, PC/network support specialist, workstation support specialist). The high demand for qualified employees increases the opportunities for students to be successfully employed in the information technology field.
    Admission Policy
    Students must provide proof of a high school diploma or GED and meet the Career Programs Assessment Test (CPAt) score for admission and must also attend an orientation and meet with the Instructor prior to admission to the Network Technician Program. Orientations are held every Monday at 11:00 AM at Seattle Vocational Institute in room 102. Contact Mr. Mike Baker by calling 206-587-4962. This is a Veterans Administration (VA) approved program.
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