CPR For Workplace Morale Workshop

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CPR For Workplace Morale Workshop

  • Course description Class Length 1-3 Days

    This workshop provides help for dealing with workplace challenges. When organizations experience a downsizing or any other dramatic change, they need people to be at their best. Most people’s reaction to change is resistance. Trust is lost and productivity suffers. Morale is at it’s worst. This workshop will help participants learn to create a more harmonious and productive workplace for the benefit of everyone.

    The Problem
    • Is your workplace experiencing rapid changes and/or downsizing?
    • Has the cost of tension been too high on you or your organization?
    • Are internal conflicts disrupting workflow and damaging team spirit?
    Our Solution
    To Learn...
    • To keep poised and in control when others are reacting negatively to CHANGE.
    • Five PROBLEM SOLVING steps to reduce negativity from others.
    • How to enrich, endure, and end RELATIONSHIPS that are causing conflict.
    Course Outline
    Module 1: This module will help participants learn a 5 step self-management system so they can analyze their irrational thoughts and behaviors and create action plans for self-improvement.

    Module 2: Participants will take a Conflict Strategy Inventory to determine their own approach to conflict.

    Module 3: This module will help participants analyze others’ behaviors. They will analyze whether the behavior is “difficult” or just “different” from theirs. They will utilize DiSC® Personal Profile System to learn to adjust to “different” behaviors. They will learn 5 problem-solving steps to determine the best strategy for handling a “difficult” relationship.

    Module 4: This module will help participants learn how to communicate effectively to enrich and improve relationships. They will also learn coping strategies for relationships or situations that cannot be improved or changed and they will learn how to prepare themselves to end relationships that need ending.
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