Comments about Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering - At the institution - San Juan - PR - Puerto Rico
Course description
The Master Program in Manufacturing Engineering distinguishes itself by its depth and focus in state of the art technology. It seeks to prepare engineers for managerial positions and responsibilities in manufacturing organizations. The program offers the opportunity to specialize in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector. It also offers the opportunity to specialize in the field of Industrial Automation to serve a wide rage of manufacturing companies.
The program of study allows graduates to gain a deep knowledge in current and new manufacturing technologies, regulatory issues affecting manufacturing, decision making tools, as well as a broad knowledge in all the aspects regarding the operation and management of a high technology industry. Such knowledge will prepare them to assume key positions within manufacturing companies either in Puerto Rico, the US. or abroad.
Professionals graduating from the Master Program in Manufacturing Engineering include engineers from the traditional disciplines such as industrial, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering among other disciplines.