Augustana College


Founded in 1860, Augustana is a selective, private, residential, comprehensive (liberal arts and professional) college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Central to our mission are five core values—Christian, Liberal Arts, Excellence, Community and Service—that serve as the foundation for the College’s academic and student life programs.

A Focus on What Matters

Augustana offers more than 50 majors and pre-professional specializations within a 4-1-4 academic calendar. Extensive internship, study-abroad, undergraduate research and Civitas, the College’s Honors Program, supplement the curriculum. Our academic programs promote sensitivity to and appreciation of values essential for students to become effective citizens in local, national and international communities.

Questions of faith and values blend comfortably into all aspects of life at Augustana. Because the Lutheran tradition values every student’s gift for learning, academic integrity is never compromised by slanting education to agree with a particular religious bias. All faith traditions are welcome here. By encouraging students to make career decisions that are consistent with their own faith and values, Augustana educates students for a wide range of careers and professional callings.

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