Master of Science in Animal Nutrition

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Master of Science in Animal Nutrition

  • Course description The Nutrition program in the Animal Sciences Department takes a comprehensive view of animal nutrition. Studies range from applied animal feeding trials to basic studies on the metabolism of nutritive and non-nutritive components of diets. Studies can be directed toward molecular, sub cellular and cellular systems as well as studies focusing on integrated whole animal metabolism with an emphasis on quantitation, integration and regulation. Two general themes exist. One considers nonruminant animals and is closely linked to the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences (IGPNS) which has the director and administrative offices in the Department of Nutritional Sciences. The other considers ruminant animals and is dependent on professors housed in the departments of Animal Sciences and Dairy Science for courses and committees to direct the graduate program. Both of these programs are supported by courses available Nutritional Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, Statistics, Medical School and School of Veterinary Medicine.

    Animal Nutrition Emphasis Group
    Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences (IGPNS)
    I Prerequisites for Admission
    1. General chemistry, 2 semesters, equivalent with laboratory
    2. Organic Chemistry, 2 semesters, equivalent
    3. Analytical chemistry, 1 semester, equivalent
    4. Mathematics including college algebra, trigonometry and 1 semester equivalent
    of calculus
    5. Biochemistry course with an organic chemistry prerequisite
    6. Nutrition course with a biochemistry prerequisite
    7. Animal nutrition course that emphasizes feed formulation- may meet
    requirement of NS 626 if
    the course has a biochemistry prerequisite
    8. Biological sciences, 2 semesters, equivalent
    9. Animal physiology, 1 semester, equivalent

    II IGPNS Course Requirements

    1. Nutritional Science courses, 5 cr; 619 (Intermediary Metabolism), 623 (Minerals), 627 (Vitamins).
    2. Two courses must be completed from the approved list of specialized courses. (see III. d.)
    3. Seminars; AS/DS 931 (Advanced), 2cr. All graduate students are required to enroll, except when there is a course conflict, and they are expected to attend.

    III Animal Nutrition Emphasis Group Requirements

    (Minimum of 18-20 course credits) the following courses are examples; consult the current Timetable for new course offerings.
    1. Statistics 571, 572, (8cr)
    2. Laboratory course, 2 cr (e.g. Biochem 651 or 653; Biomolecular Chem. 504 or 612; AHABS 529 or 701)
    3. Physiology 6-8cr. Physiol 720 6 cr or Comparative Bio Sci 551, 4 cr & 506, 4cr
    4. Two courses from N.S. 625, 626, 627, 700, 701, 702, 703 A.S. 505, 875a, 875b, 875c or and equivalent course approved by the IGPNS Certification Committee.
    5. Research credits to meet the University of Wisconsin-Madison minimum credit

    Total credits section II, 9-11, III 16-18, Total 25-29

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