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Comments about Bachelor of Arts in Literature - At the institution - Claremont - CA - California
Course description
Coursework in the Literature major is designed to develop and improve the student’s capacity to engage in meaningful interpretation, creative writing, analytical thought and aesthetic appreciation. Majors and non-majors alike will have the
opportunity to gain an awareness of the intellectual and historical contexts of literature while they work to achieve skillful written and oral expression, and to refine critical thinking skills.
Requirements for the Literature Major
A major in English and World Literature requires the satisfactory completion of ten (10) courses, which may include senior seminars and independent study courses. Six (6) courses should be completed prior to the senior year. Majors are also
encouraged to attain at least reading knowledge of a language other than English (two years of college-level course). Courses may be taken in any sequence, but it is preferable that Engl 1 is taken early in the student’s career.
• Engl 1. Introduction to Literary Theory
• One course in British Literature before 1780
• One course in British Literature after 1780
• One course in American Literature
• One course in Twentieth-Century American Literature or World Literature
• Five elective courses in literature or creative writing