World Medicine Institute


The institute prepares professional acupuncture and Oriental medicine practitioners who, after fulfilling state requirements, which typically require passing National Board examinations, are technically proficient and have a deep understanding, sensitivity, insight, and intuition into a patient's physical, emotional, intellectual, energetic, and spiritual health needs. Professional practitioners are trained within the context of Taoist heritage, philosophy, and traditions rooted in the Six Taoist Arts of the Chou Dynasty, which are an essential component of the institute and the Foundation.


World Medicine Institute was established to provide professional education in acupuncture and oriental medicine through academia, clinical training and spiritual cultivation. Our program includes an in depth study of internal Chinese medicine, hebology, Tuina, acupuncture and biomedicine with an emphasis on the Taoist medical and philosophical heritage dating back more than 2000 years to the Zhou Dynasty.

Educational Objectives

Consistent with our purpose, the institute has adopted educational objectives that provide measurable traits/qualities that we expect students to attain by the time they graduate. These objectives are relatively broad and give general guidance for the development of the curriculum and the measure of its success. Our graduates will be able to:

    * Demonstrate knowledge of Oriental Medicine theory in the context of the Taoist Tradition.
    * Demonstrate skills in diagnosis and treatment planning
    * Demonstrate effective use of appropriate treatment techniques
    * Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment
    * Make appropriate referrals to other health care professionals.
    * Pass National certification examinations in Acupuncture and Herbology and qualify for
      Hawaii State Licensure
    * Apply the teachings of the Taoist Tradition to promote personal well-being.


The Masters Degree Program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine of the World Medicine Institute is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The World Medicine Institute has been fully accredited since 1991.

Training offer