Institute of World Politics


The Institute of World Politics is an independent, nonprofit, accredited graduate school of national security and international affairs, dedicated to developing leaders with a sound understanding of international realities and the ethical conduct of statecraft -- i.e., the use of the various instruments of power in service of national interests and purposes -- based on knowledge and appreciation of the American political economy and the Western moral tradition.

The Institute offers three M.A. degrees in its Master's Degree Program, eight Certificates of Graduate Study, and a Continuing Education Program, all with a professional curriculum covering the various elements of statecraft. This curriculum is based upon an interdisciplinary foundational course of study that includes relevant elements of comparative political culture, Western moral precepts, practical political economics, and political and diplomatic history.

The Institute's specific goals are:

    * To provide useful education to current and future professionals in the fields of statecraft and national security affairs;
    * To provide education that meets official needs of U.S. foreign affairs, defense, intelligence and commercial agencies.
    * To deepen understanding of all facets of statecraft, including defense strategy, diplomacy, intelligence, opinion formation, economic strategy, and leadership;
    * To emphasize the study of the founding principles of the American political-economic system and their relevance to current statecraft;
    * To increase awareness of political realities which may affect U.S. security and world peace.

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