Negotiation Training

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Negotiation Training

  • Course description Program Overview
    How do you know when you have gotten the best deal? A fair price? Skilled negotiators know the answers to both of those questions. In this onsite negotiation training program, participants will learn how to determine whether they will win or lose before a negotiation even starts; how to spot dirty tricks from a mile away; the essential steps of a skilled negotiation; and more. Through multiple case studies, hands-on activities, and video, participants will practice skills learned throughout this interactive, fast-paced program.

    Program Objectives
    At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to:
    • Identify possible negotiation outcomes.
    • List the eight steps of the negotiation process.
    • Understand and identify different behavioral styles and adapt as necessary.
    • Apply techniques for successful negotiation by successfully answering case studies and participating in practice cases.
    • Recognize dirty tricks and tactics.
    • Demonstrate the use of successful concession making.
    • Develop an action plan to improve negotiation skills.
    The following outline highlights some of the course’s key learning points. As part of your training program, we will modify content as needed to meet your business objectives. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the participant materials prior to the session(s).

    Course Outline
    Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Lose: Understanding Negotiation Outcomes

    Knowing where you may end up before you begin is critical to planning any negotiation.  In this introductory discussion, participants will learn about negotiation outcomes, evaluate case studies to determine whether there is a possibility of winning, and discover when to use the strategy of losing because it actually makes sense.

    The Eight-Step Negotiation Process: From Fact Finding to Autopsy
    Often negotiations fall short because the key players have not paid attention to each step of the negotiation process.  In this section, participants will learn about the phases of a negotiation and what questions they should ask before moving on.  They will also explore the concepts of BATNA (plan b), minimum acceptance, and probing for inconsistencies.

    The Communication Jungle: Negotiation with Different Types of People
    This unit begins with Business Training Works' signature diagnostic tool, The Communication Jungle, with which participants learn to identify their own behavioral styles, the styles of their coworkers, clients, customers, or suppliers, and how to adjust for better negotiations.  This module is beneficial to all who wish to negotiate better with different kinds of people.

    Beyond the Basics: Deadlocks, Standstills, and Concessions
    Knowing when to give and how much to give is something with which even skilled negotiators struggle.  In this segment, participants will learn how to recognize, organize, and rank concessions, and how to use them for maximum impact.

    Tricks, Traps, and Tactics: What to Be Aware Of
    Section five explores eight common tactics and their countermeasure defenses: exaggerated first offers, delays, limited authority, and more.  Participants will learn how to quickly identify tricks and what to do to turn situations around.

    Setting the Stage: Understanding the When and Where of Negotiation
    Negotiation over the telephone is different from negotiation in person.  An unexpected negotiation is different from one that has been carefully planned.  In this part of the course, participants will learn how to use time and space constraints to their maximum advantage.

    Show What You Know: Practice Negotiation and Action Plan
    The program concludes will a negotiation simulation where participants have an opportunity to practice and reinforce skills learned throughout the program.  At the end of the program, participants will leave with personalized action plans to improve their next negotiation.

    At the program's conclusion, participants will have an understanding of how to use their powerbase for maximum influence in the negotiation process, how to handle dirty tricks, how to make concessions, when to walk away, how to succeed in cross-cultural negotiations, and what they need to do immediately to improve their next negotiation.
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