Medical Billing/Coding Certificate

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Medical Billing/Coding Certificate

  • Course description Medical Billing/Coding (15 units)

    Medical Billing/Coding
    workers are primarily responsible
    for submitting documentation of patient medical care to insurance
    companies. Duties include billing insurance companies
    and patients; collecting payment for services; and documenting
    tests, treatments and procedures, using correct medical terminology--
    referred to as “coding”. The Medical Billing/Coding
    Certificate program provides the training that is required to
    perform these duties. Employment outlook for medical billing/
    coding workers is expected to grow much faster than the average
    for all occupations through 2012, due to rapid growth in
    the number of medical tests, treatments, and procedures that
    will be increasing scrutinized by third-party payers, regulators,
    courts, and consumers.

    Required Courses: (12 units)
    CIS 30, Microsoft Excel (3)
    OFTECH 20, Medical Vocabulary (3)
    OFTECH 23, MediSoft (3)
    OFTECH 24, Medical Coding/Billing (3)
    Select 3 units from the following keyboarding courses:
    OFTECH 1, Keyboarding 1 (3)
    OFTECH 1A, Keyboarding 1A (1)
    OFTECH 1B, Keyboarding 1B (1)
    OFTECH 1C, Keyboarding 1C (1)
    OFTECH 9, Keyboarding Improvement (1,1,1)
    OFTECH 10, Skill Building on the Keyboard (3)
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