Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

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Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

  • Course description The marketing major reflects the philosophy of the Business Administration Department
    page 88). The major in marketing will provide instruction in core areas of marketing including
    planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods,
    and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. The
    marketing major includes study of the demographic, social, economic, technological,
    environmental and cultural factors influencing demand for consumer and industrial goods and
    services, and the marketing strategies and plans necessary to meet this demand. Marketing
    majors will have both theoretical and applied learning foundations, and are also required to take
    courses in management, finance, accounting and economics which provide a solid foundation
    for the MBA degree.

    Upon graduation, students majoring in marketing will be able to demonstrate
    competencies in the core areas of research, problem solving, statistical analysis, computer
    skills, mathematics, oral communication and writing, apply ethical reasoning to decision
    making and demonstrate personal and team leadership skills, exhibit knowledge of
    the legal, regulatory, ethical and technological issues inherent in the global marketing
    environment, demonstrate skills necessary to progress in a marketing career and/or pursue
    advanced studies, apply fundamental knowledge of marketing to decision making.

    Bachelor of Arts
    Requirements: 17 hours from the business administration offerings (BUAD) including BUAD
    220, BUAD 225, BUAD 330, BUAD 350, BUAD 429 and BUAD 62IR and 21 hours from the
    marketing offerings including MRKT 301, MRKT 305, MRKT 308, MRKT 345, MRKT 360, MRKT 385,
    and MRKT 410. Majors are also required to take one elective marketing course from MRKT 276,
    MRKT 340, MRKT 365, MRKT 401 OR MCOM 307 and at least one credit hour of SIFE (BUAD 70IR).

    Majors are also required to take ACCT 203, ACCT 204, ECON 210, ECON 211, WRTG 225, SPEC
    111, and either MATH 200 or MATH 360. The business faculty will certify the general education
    service component and competencies in computer usage, moral/ethical reasoning, oral
    communication, research and writing in this major. 

    Students who desire to double major in Marketing and Business Administration are required to
    take 15 BUAD credit hours which are not used to satisfy the Marketing major.

    Requirements: BUAD 225, MRKT 301, MRKT 305, MRKT 308, MRKT 345, MRKT 410, and ECON
    210 and 211 or ECON 200.

    Marketing Courses (MRKT)

    MRKT 301 Principles of Marketing 3 sem. hours
    Study of the concepts and problems concerned with the flow of goods and services to the
    consumer. An analysis will be made of the following: MRKTeting functions, wholesale and retail
    institutions, and internal and external factors affecting activities. Prerequisite: Econ 200 or 211 or permission of instructor • Fall, Spring

    MRKT 305 Consumer Behavior 3 sem. hours
    The major objective of this course is to find out why people buy what they buy, when they
    buy and where they buy. Behavioral and social influences on the buying process will also be
    examined. This information is then used to more effectively plan marketing programs. Prerequisite: MRKT 301, PSYC 110 is recommended • Fall

    MRKT 308 Sales Management 3 sem. hours
    Students will learn more about the field of professional selling. Topics to be covered are: the
    context of sales and the place of sales in the marketing function; the external environment
    including the legal aspects and its impact on sales; the various steps in the sales process
    from prospecting to follow-up; professional and ethical behaviors; and the principles of sales
    management. Role playing will be utilized to give the student valuable experience in making a
    sales presentation. The final project will be to make a professional presentation on behalf of a
    student business. Prerequisite: MRKT 301 • Winter

    MRKT 340 Retail Management 3 sem. hours
    This course provides an overview of the marketing and management of retail businesses. The
    course will include administration and strategic planning in large and small retail firms. It will
    also cover the management of retail functions including stock planning, inventory control,
    markup and pricing, merchandising, retail promotion, human resources management, store
    location, design and layout, legal and ethical issues, customer service and retention strategies.
    Prerequisite: MRKT 301 • As Needed

    MRKT 345 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications 3 sem. hours
    A survey of advertising objectives of different levels of business organization. The course deals
    with campaigns, techniques and various media available to firms and industry.
    Prerequisite: MRKT 301 •Spring

    MRKT 360 Marketing Research 3 sem. hours
    The course examines the marketing research process from problem identification to
    presentation of research results. It gives the student a hands-on approach for solving marketing problems and taking advantage of marketing opportunities. Prerequisite: MRKT 301 and a statistics course •Winter

    MRKT 365 Supply Chain Management 3 sem. hours
    The study of Supply Chain Management examines material and information management in
    conjunction with suppliers and customers. Globalization, collaboration, and the impact of the
    Internet will be ongoing themes in the examination of the topic. Specific topics to be covered
    are inventory management, channel management, and logistics. Prerequisite: MRKT 301, BUAD 350 would be helpful • As Needed

    MRKT 385 Global Management 3 sem. hours
    This course studies how businesses plan, develop, market and distribute products/services on a
    global scale. Special emphasis is placed on how businesses adapt to different cultural, political
    and economic environments. Prerequisite: MRKT 301 • Fall

    MRKT 401 Special Topics in Marketing 3 sem. hours
    This course integrates flexibility into the marketing major. Topics of interest to marketing
    majors and the professor will be taught on a yearly basis dependent on the needs of both
    the marketplace and the students. Topics may include: International Marketing, Non Profit
    Marketing, Sports Marketing, Creative Marketing Strategies, Brand Management, Pricing or
    others as necessary. Prerequisite: MRKT 301 • As Needed

    MRKT 410 Marketing Management 3 sem. hours
    This is the capstone course for a marketing major or minor. Advance marketing strategies and
    tactics are studied and students create a marketing plan, execute a marketing project, and
    present the results to the client. Prerequisite: Three marketing courses. • Spring
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