Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Cultures

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Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Cultures

  • Course description Interdisciplinary approach
    The comparative cultures major at Alfred University is a unique interdisciplinary program that allows students to learn how people in various parts of the world find meaning in their lives through their social, cultural and religious activities.

    Program features
    Courses in anthropology, religious studies and non-Western art history allow students to explore how people construct and maintain their identities through social organizations, gender relationships, values, myths, rituals and artistic expressions. Study abroad and fieldwork projects supplement coursework enabling students to gain an appreciation of cultural pluralism, and develop specific knowledge of diverse societies and religious traditions.

    Most comparative cultures classes are small, with no more than 20 students, and are taught in seminar and discussion format.

    Career preparation
    The comparative cultures major prepares students for careers that require knowledge of various cultures throughout the world, including international relations or business within the global context. It also excellent preparation for negotiating our increasingly complex, pluralistic world where counselors and social workers, business people and government workers must deal with people from diverse cultures and religious traditions.
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