B.A. in Latin American Studies

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B.A. in Latin American Studies

  • Course description Latin American studies provides a framework, through interdisciplinary study in the humanities and social sciences, for systematic understanding of the Latin American cultural and historical experience and of the important role of Latin America in our global society. Students examine the rich chronicle of traditions, cultural expression, and historical experience and are encouraged to pose questions on a wide range of essential issues, ranging from ethnic, cultural, and racial interaction, and syncretism to economic and social struggles, human rights, globalization, regional integration, and issues of development and sustainability. Through the LAMS major, students develop alternative approaches to their own culture. These various perspectives, combined with an expanded international world view, increased sensitivity to inter-American relations, and extensive study of the Spanish language, bring depth and sophistication to the major.

    A minimum of eight courses is required for the major. Each student must take the following courses:

        * LAMS 295     Topics in Latin American Studies**
        * LAMS 297     Latin American History
        * LAMS 365     Seminar in Latin American Studies**
        * SPAN 280     Spanish American Civilization

    At least three courses must be elected from among the following:

        * ANTH 252     Peoples and Cultures of the Andean World
        * ECON 276    Latin American Economic Development
        * ENST 325     Nature, Wealth, and Power*
        * GEOG 236    Third World Development
        * IREL 230       International Relations of the Caribbean
        * LAMS 319      Independent Study
        * LAMS 499**   Honors in Latin American Studies*
        * POLS 211     Third World Politics
        * POLS 219      Latin American Politics
        * POLS 285      International Relations of the Western Hemisphere
        * POLS 350      Politics of Economic Development
        * SOCI 290       Sociology of Caribbean Society
        * SOCI 310       Sociology of Developing Societies
        * SPAN 222      Spanish American Literature
        * SPAN 285      Latino/Latina Literature in the U.S.
        * SPAN 324      Twentieth-century Spanish American Literature
        * SPAN 351      Women's Writing in the Spanish-speaking World*
        * SPAN 361      Topics in Hispanic Literature*
        * SPAN 362      Topics in Hispanic Literature*
        * SPAN 365      Topics in Spanish American Civilization
        * SPAN 461      Topics in Hispanic Literature*
        * SPAN 462      Topics in Hispanic Literature*
        * SPAN 465      Topics in Spanish American Civilization    

    * When content is predominately on Latin American topics.

    **Students who are pursuing honors in Latin American studies, and who are enrolled in LAMS 319 (Independent Study), or LAMS 499 (Honors in Latin American Studies) may be exempted from LAMS 365.

    Additional courses with substantial Latin American content may be elected from the list of approved courses offered each semester in the Class Schedule.

    Competence in the fundamental skills of the Spanish language equivalent to the beginning of the sixth semester of college Spanish at Bucknell is expected of Latin American studies majors and is necessary to enroll in SPAN 280, a required course.

    Minor: Students complete the interdepartmental minor in Latin American studies when they successfully complete at least five courses from the lists above.

    Major: Students majoring in Latin American studies should plan a semester or a year of study in Latin America. When students elect the Latin American studies major, they should consult with their adviser, with the directors and with the Office of International Education, regarding suitable foreign study opportunities. Exceptions must be approved by the director. Bucknell University courses required of Latin American studies majors will be waived by the adviser in exchange for equivalent courses taken abroad.

    Independent study for the major or for the minor may be taken by enrolling for LAMS 319 with any member of the coordinating committee (or with another faculty member, with the approval of the director). Students must submit a written proposal of the independent study project, endorsed by the sponsoring faculty member, to the director of Latin American studies. No more than one independent study course shall be included in the minor.

    The program strongly encourages qualified majors to consider working for honors in Latin American studies. During their junior year, such students should consult  with one or more members of the faculty of the program to begin defining a research topic and writing a proposal. The proposal is to be approved by the Latin American Studies Directors, and submitted to the Honors Council by mid-October of the senior year. Normally, an honors student will enroll for one independent study (LAMS 319) credit first semester, LAMS 499 second semester or LAMS 499 for both semesters. Further information about the honors program may be obtained from the academic adviser, from the director of the program in Latin American studies, or from the Honors Council.

    150. Latin America: An Introduction (I; 3, 0)
    The complex and fascinating cultures and challenges of Latin America are explored through literature, cinema, and the social sciences.

    295. Topics in Latin American Studies (I or II: R; 3, 0)
    Selected Latin American topics. May be given in Spanish.

    297. Latin American History (I; 3, 0)
    General survey from pre-Columbian times to the present. Selected themes, texts, and countries will be studied in depth.

    319. Independent Study (I or II; R: 3, 0)
    Individual research under direction of a member of the Coordinating Committee. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

    365. Seminar in Latin American Studies (I, II; R; 3, 0)
    Interdisciplinary topics in Latin American studies. Normally team-taught. Required of majors in Latin American studies, and open to others. May be given in Spanish. Prerequisite: permission of the instructors.

    499. Honors in Latin American Studies (I or II; R; 3, 0)
    Supervised individual work on a topic approved by the program in Latin American studies. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.
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